Thursday, September 2, 2010

teething really??

   So after a long night with Lil E I am a little tired. We have recently discovered that our little man at 3 1/2 months has started teething! Buddy started out on a rough note for about the first 2 months, which now they all seem like a blur. He was so fussy,never slept which turned Brian and I into walking zombies we were so tired. But around 2 1/2 months there was a glimmer of hope we would get more than 3 hours of sleep at a time. It was amazing Buddy started sleeping all night, he was in his crib, he finally dropped the horrific 2am feeding and was waking up around 6, we were finally getting some much need sleep! Now that we have come upon this little bump we have had some sleepless nights, last night being the worst. I know there will be a light at the end of this tunnel also and that toothless smile we LOVE will soon have something to show. 
    So my whole point of this blog is to brag on some of the baby necessities we have that I could not imagine being without. When I say necessities I don't really mean the things you absolutely have to have when you have a baby but the luxuries I HIGHLY recommend to anyone having a baby. I will post pics below of all.
    The first one, my favorite is Buddy's Baby Einstein mats. He started out with one,"the ocean adventure one", since I wanted him to have some sort of a beach here in Mississippi, and has recently gotten "the around the world mat", I wouldn't want him getting bored with just one. :)He has been playing with these since he was only 1 month old. He stays on them for an hour at a time and just talks away. There is a mirror on each which he LOVES to stare at himself for a good 30 minutes at least.
    The second item being a Boppy Lounger. NOT the boppy that looks like a U but the one that has a middle. It is a MUST in our household. Lil E sleeps, eats, lounges, talks,and watches tv in it. He LOVES it. Mom and Dad love it too, because if you don't want to hold your sweet one all day long this is a great solution! So for all of those having little ones or need a great baby shower gift that is a little different these are great! Also as you will see in the photos below Cricket thinks whatever is Easton's is hers also :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey hun! You never know who follows your blog but I saw your link on Facebook and followed it over. I have added you to my Google Reader so it will notify me whenever you post something new. I am excited to watch your little man grow. I am pretty partial to baby boys too. And I was so happy to learn to get to stay home with your little man. It's a priceless job. Hope all is well! I would love to have a reunion with KB and company sometime you visit Florida.
