Tuesday, September 14, 2010

hello monday...

      Although Lil E doesn't turn 4 months until the 20th, we had our 4 month check-up today. He had a great check up other than the horrible needles they stuck my baby with! He weighed in at a whopping 17 pounds, yes 17 pounds at 4 months. He was 25 1/2 inches and in the 85th percentile in both weight and height. The doctor says he is advanced in his strength which is great, he gets to start rice cereal today and fruits in 2 weeks! We are so happy he is healthy and doing great!
     We had a busy but great weekend, we went to the Mississippi State vs. Auburn game on Thursday night, unfortunately State lost. :(  Saturday we went to the Alabama vs. Penn State game which was awesome! Other than a little rain we had a great time with Brian's parents and Alabama came out with a big win. Lil E didn't get to go, Brian's sweet cousin Nicole was sooo WONDERFUL and kept him while we were gone the whole day and half of the night, I know he had a great time with her. Below are the pics from the game and just from the weekend. Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!!

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