Friday, September 24, 2010


         Well Lil E is on the mend, he is finally beginning to feel like himself again, thank goodness! A sick Buddy is one of the saddest things I have ever seen. We made it through the week and are so glad it is Friday! We are so happy to have Brian home and life is getting  back to the norm. Speaking of Brian I just want to brag about him for just a sec. I think having him gone made me realize how much I need him and appreciate him being here! All of you that know him know how awesome he is in every way but I just want to shine a light on how great of a dad he is. I always knew he would be a great dad because he is such an amazing husband and best friend. Not only does Brian work everyday but when he comes home he is loving on Lil E, Cricket and I and starts helping with whatever I need usually which includes making dinner, cause I can't cook :) Buddy is doing great now going to bed about 7 and getting up at 7 but still stirs in the middle of the night so we have to help him get back to sleep. Brian takes turns with me in the middle of the night so I can get some sleep too, then come morning he feeds Buddy everyday so I can get an extra hour of sleep and on the weekends he lets me sleep in till whenever my heart desires!  Everyone knows how much I sleep and how much I LOVE my sleep so he is so wonderful to let me have just a little more. He is such a great dad and husband and we are SO fortunate to have him in our lives. Here are some great moments I captured between him, Buddy and of course Cricket( because she is OBSESSED with him).

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Brian is not only a wonderful husband and father but a great son-in-law!! Love the pictures!!
