Wednesday, September 29, 2010

baby einstein=amazing

    Sorry for my lack of posting these past two weeks it seems that having a 4 month old takes ALOT of your time. I have been meaning to blog about two new favorite Baby Einstein things that I LOVE now that Lil E is big enough to  use them. First off we own EVERYTHING Baby Einstein makes and for some reason Buddy is a little bit partial to them over his other toys. We have both the Baby Einstein exersaucer and the jumperoo. He LOVES both, the exersaucer a little more because he can't touch the ground in the jumperoo yet nor can he jump. I am a huge supporter of Baby Einstein because it is amazing, both of these occupy him for a least 30-45 min, and you can tell he is having a ball! So if you are in the market for an exersaucer or jumperoo I HIGHLY recommend both of these, you can buy them at Target :) 

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!! seriously whenever i need like 30 mins to myself i stick in Lilys favorite baby einstein video and i am free LOL
