Wednesday, September 22, 2010


      I know I said I would be posting on Monday but as we all can see that didn't happen. Lil E ended up having a 45 min crying fit Monday afternoon, which he NEVER does so we figured something was up and took him to the doctor. As it turned out he has strep throat!!!! I didn't even know 4 month olds could get strep, they say it is uncommon in infants but it is possible. I HATE being sick myself but when Lil E is sick ohhhh it's a MILLION times worse. It's so sad to have a sick baby, my normally energetic and playful sweet one was very cuddly and sleepy and just wanted to lay with me all day. So we have had 2 days in our PJ's, on the couch watching Baby Einstein and Playhouse Disney. After a rough couple of days and antibiotics things are beginning to look up!! Brian comes home today (he has been out of town the past 2 days) I just know when Lil E sees him he will feel even more like himself!

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