Tuesday, September 7, 2010

rags to riches...

         My goal of this post is to introduce you to our fourth member of our family, our cat, Cricket. Last Christmas when it was so cold, a sweet little black cat kept showing up around our house. She would never get near us but we would find her curled up in our flower pot next to the front door, every night. She kept showing up more and more, to the point where we finally gave in and fed her. Then the temperature really started to drop and we felt sooo bad for her we started putting a towel in the pot and she would bury herself in it. Then I just couldn't stand it I was so distraught not to mention my hormones from being pregnant made it even worse. I convinced Brian to go to Petsmart with me and find something we could put out for her.  We bought a pretty pink igloo shaped cat house that was warm and fuzzy but that wasn't enough for me. I wanted something heated, so we came home and Brian set up the igloo on our porch,  placed a heating pad in it and covered it with a towel. I'm pretty sure Cricket thought she died and gone to heaven. She stayed in the igloo night and day. As days past and it got colder and snowed and I was ready to bring her in. We tried to get her in but she was so skittish never wanted to stay in long or sat at the door and meowed. Everyday we tried a little more.We took her to the vet found out Cricket was a she, got her some shots and found out she had already been fixed, which the vet said she was probably dumped. After trying more and more Cricket finally trusted us. Then one night I got her to sleep in the bed with us, and the rest is history. Cricket now is one spoiled little kitty.We couldn't have bought a sweeter cat, she is the best. She sleeps in our bed every night, hangs out during the day, she will sit by the door when she needs to go out and hangs on the door looking thru the window when she wants back in. Speaking of... funny story one night we were dead asleep and I was awoken to hear the door handle to our front door moving, I thought someone was trying to break in. I woke Brian in a terror and he ran to the front door only to find her hanging on the door handle, she wanted in :) She LOVES Lil E, when I was put on bed rest at week 29 she layed with me almost all day everyday, half the time with her head on my belly. Even when I would lay in a lounge chair in the sun she would lay with me. She thinks everything of Easton's is hers, like those pictures from my previous post. Cricket has Brian wrapped around her little paw, he LOVES her. She sleeps right next to him in bed and follows him EVERYWHERE. She sits on the front porch at 4:30 everyday and waits for him to come home from work at 5. She is so cuddly,smart, and sweet, we are so lucky and blessed that she picked us to be her family! :) ( the pic below of her and I was taken 2 days before Lil E arrived that is why my belly is huge!)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read more! What a beautiful family: congratulations!
