Sunday, September 5, 2010


     You can tell fall is approaching when the weather starts to cool down, the leaves begin to change and game day is on in your family room at 9am every Saturday morning. Yesterday was the first big day of college football and what a day it was. We took Lil E to his first State football game and it was a blast. First off my wonderful husband let me sleep in while he and Buddy watched game day, then they came in and woke me up with a little game day chant they came up with, which Lil E loved, he giggles so hard it's hilarious! Then we all went out to breakfast,came home and got ready to head to Starkville. When we arrived  you could just sense the excitement in the air. We shopped a little then headed up to our club seats, which were amazing by the way! We enjoyed the entire game with a great view, in the air conditioning, and all the food we could possibly eat. Buddy didn't know what to think at first but after a little snooze and a bottle he was ready to go! I loved watching Brian show him everything about where he played and it was so cute to hear him tell him what was happening on the field. Easton had lots of fun and State came out with a big win! I am still trying to post videos so bare with me, to hold everyone over here are the pics from the game!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures!! What an adorable family! Love you all, Big Momma D :)
