Wednesday, September 1, 2010

hello blog world

I am jumping on the ban wagon of blogging. I have followed many of my friends blogs which I love and came into a pickle today when I decided I needed something to post all our videos and pics on. We have recently purchased a flip camcorder to film our sweet little one Easton. As I went to share those videos with my mom via email it took FOREVER to load them. SO I thought of the bright idea of making a blog in hopes that I can share our day to day moments with those who wish to follow. Please bare with me as I am learning how to do all this and will be posting mostly about Mr. Easton as that is what I do, hang out with a 3 month old all day, everyday :) To catch all those up to speed as if anyone reading this wouldn't know. Brian and I have been married 2 years come this October, we are currently residing in the great state of Mississippi. We have a beautiful, precious son, Easton who turns 3 1/2 months tomorrow and a sweet black cat Cricket who came to join our family last Christmas, a stray who picked us and oh are we ever so glad she did. I am beyond blessed with the opportunity to get to stay home and play with "Lil E" everyday as my sweet husband goes to work and I am so grateful for him and all he does for us. SO as I wrap up my first blog post below are some pics I took of "Buddy" today. As you will come to know we refer to Easton as "Lil E" and "Buddy" a lot. Hope you enjoy and I will try to update daily!


  1. Cutey Pie!!! Yall have such a precious little boy! Can't wait for your next visit home to Jacksonville and to meet Easton! :) Ashely

  2. yay! I'm so excited you have a blog! Love you Jenny and can't wait to meet lil E! - love callie
