Sunday, March 13, 2011


   Saturday we decided to do something a little different. It was the first gorgeous day we had in a while and we wanted to be outside so Brian planned a nice little afternoon going to the Mississippi State Petrified Forest about 45 min from where we live. We had a picnic and went hiking on the trail to see all the petrified wood. It was so much fun, we had a great time and Lil E had a blast. Here are the pic we took , lots of them. Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

waiting to see whats for lunch


a little R&R

applesauce face

his ride for the hike=sore back for mommy

this is what I delt with the entire time walking a wiggle worm he thought it was so fun to dangle from mommy

this will be the last time in the babybjorn 2 more pounds and he reaches the weight limit, thank goodness

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