Just when I thought my little man couldn't surprise me anymore he is doing something new everyday. He has learned to pull up on the furniture on his knees and just hang out like that, it's funny. Also he likes to chew on the sofa when he is up there, not so funny. He has 2 more teeth coming in up top which will make a grand total of 6. He is our little piranha because given the chance he will bite you, thankfully he has only tried a couple times and actually succeeded once, on me of course. He is sleeping about 11-12 hours a night and naps 2-3 hours a day so I am thankful. He is contstantly on the go, he wants down pretty much all the time wanting to go go go. He is trying his hardest to go from his knees to his feet when he pulls up so I don't think it will be long before he is trying to walk which I know will bring a whole new set of things. He is a great eater loves pretty much anything you give him also he has learned to lick his lips when you get out the cookie bag, it's adorable. It's so hard to believe that Lil E will be one year old in just 2 months and some change, crazy! Anyways here are some pics to see what little man has been up to. Hope everyone is having a great week!

my little driver
talented :)
going to chew now
such a big boy
found mommy's headbands
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