Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

     Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! We had a great first Christmas as a family of 5! We are so blessed and greatful for all our wonderful blessings this season. Easton got sick last week with the RSV virus that landed us in the hospital and then a day later Asher got it and the next day Hayden got it! It was a rough week watching all our babies sick. Thankfully everyone is on the mend and is feeling much better and just in time for Christmas. We had a fabulous time celebrating with family. Easton had a great Christmas that included a power wheels Towmater from Cars and a red wagon! Although he was most excited about his bag of goldfish he received in his stocking :)  My amazing husband and beautiful boys surprised me with a 2nd diamond band to go with my engagment ring and wedding band! I was so excited and am a very lucky girl!Asher and Hayden spent most of the day sleeping but we enjoyed having our two new littlest blessings around. Asher is up to 7lbs 4oz. and Hayden is up to 7lbs 1oz! Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts as we went thru such a scary time with our little ones! Here's to a wonderful 2012 may it bring as many blessings as 2011!

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