Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life x 2

      Well Hayden and Asher are 11 days old today! We have been adjusting, slowly. I would be lying to say if it was a breeze because it is definitely not, but it is easier than I had pictured it. I will tell you this I look back when we had E and think how crazy I was to think that was hard!! We are so lucky to be around so much family and friends that have been doing whatever possible to help us and I cannot thank them enough! Also I have the most WONDERFUL husband in the world that has gone above and beyond for us. The boys are doing great, they are almost back up to their birth weight and are sleeping and eating awesome!  Easton is doing wonderful with his new brothers, he is always loving on them and wanting to help with diapers, bottles and laundry(as you will see below). It is crazy that Christmas is just around the corner, I feel extrememly blessed this season to have a great husband and three beautiful boys that are HEALTHY!

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