Monday, November 14, 2011

our humble abode.

      Just as promised below are some pics of our new wonderful house. It felt like an eternity when we were searching for homes but the first moment I walked in this one it just felt right and we could not be more happy in a home than we are in this one.
      Updates, things are going as well as can be, we have been in the hospital one more time with more preterm contractions but were quickly under control with some medicine. Since I had an emergency c-section with E we have a planned one for Dec.7 and I will be 38 weeks, we are hoping and praying we make it to that date! Our doctor app last week estimated the boys are about 5.5pounds already which is fabulous! Easton is doing great he is SO sweet it is beyond ridiculous. He is learning to say so many new words and is so smart he constantly amazes me. I cannot wait to see how great of a big brother he is.
      Anyways will keep everyone updated as much as possible, I am back to feeling  like the pits again so my free time (aka nap time) is used to nap along with my lil man. Hope everyone is fantastic! Oh the pics below will give away the names of my two smallest men so I might as well say we will be welcoming HAYDEN and ASHER in just 3 weeks!

Easton's big boy room and bed!

Hayden and Ashers room

 Other side of nursery, whoever wishes to spend the night with the twins can sleep here ;)

family room


dining room

other tv room/play room

/play room part
view from kitchen

master bedroom


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