Monday, February 21, 2011

9 months...

Happy 9 months to my little BIG man! I can't believe it was 9 months ago yesterday that he came into the world! Time is FLYING by it is unbelievable. Easton is ALL over the place it amazing how one day he just woke up and decided he knew how to crawl, I am just waiting for him to stand up and start walking like it's nothing. He has 4 teeth now and more coming. He loves Cricket and is constantly following her wherever she goes. He loves being outside, playing, bouncing and of course watching Mickey Mouse and his new favorite Jake and The Neverland Pirates. We had a great couple of days with my mom (Mimi) when she came to visit. Below are some pics, hope everyone had a great BEAUTIFUL weekend!


Cricket's playhouse

bath time

trying to figure out how to let her in

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