Thursday, November 1, 2012

Catch Up

        I know it has been way too long to even mention since my last post. I have no excuses other than I am a mother of 3, as I have said before I do good to get a shower that I can actually wash my hair. Unfortunately our blog has been put on the back burner for the time being and I apologize. I am in the works getting back on the wagon and keeping up with this a little more.
         So much has changed since the last post besides the seasons. The twins turn 11 months tomorrow one month shy of being 1, where in the world has the time gone. Easton is 2 1/2 and is constantly changing everyday it is unreal. My day to day life with the boys has only gotten more exciting and crazy as the twins are all over the place, pulling up everywhere it is only a matter of time before they are walking. Easton's vocabulary has multiplied by 100 the things that come out of his mouth amaze me. So I wont babble too much below are the pics between my last post and now, brace yourselves for cuteness.



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