Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring time

       Hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter! We sure are enjoying the day as a family of 5! Easton had is first Easter egg hunt(pics to come later) and loved it!!! The twins are growing by the day they turned 4 months on the 2nd, Asher is weighing in at 13pounds 6oz, Hayden is 13pounds 12 oz!!! My intentions of this post are to share some photos we had done a few weeks ago by the fabulous Taylor Demaio of . I had been wanting phots of all 5 of us since it is usually Brian or I taking the pic we never get all of us. She is amazing to work with and as you will see below her photos do not dissapoint. Anyone looking for a photographer, I highly reccomend her!!!! A huge thanks to GG and Papa Jack for helping behind the scenes as baby holders and making everyone smile! I will apologize for the amount, you know me I can't just choose one.

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