Sunday, February 26, 2012


 Hello all! Hope everyone is fabulous! Here is just a few quick photos and update, nothing really new to report. We are still enjoying our wonderful little family of 5! Hayden and Asher are growing daily and are sleeping great! They both are a lot more alert and awake. Asher loves to play on his play mat, swing and loves playing with his brother. Hayden is a HUGE fan of sleeping(just like his mom) and loves pretty much doing anything AS long as he isn't tired. Easton is doing great as always he had his very first ear infection :( and his very first steri strip stitches for a cut he got on his eye :( those happen to be firsts I am not very happy to report but it happens. I am still working on pics of all 3 Easton is not very fond of taking photos with his brothers...yet. Hoping to capture more of the 3 interacting soon!

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