Wednesday, July 6, 2011

the 4th...

Hello all! Still here. Feeling better finally. I promise one day soon my sporadic blogs will once again be a regular thing. We just have had so much going on it has been ridiculous! Hope everyone had a fabulous 4th, we sure did! Next week we find out what the twins are!!! I am so beyond excited and ready to know what they are, my gut tells me its a boy and a girl but really you never know! I think once we can paint a picture of what these two little rascals will be it will sink in a little more that there are actually two in my belly (still doesn't seem possible) and I am hoping that fact sets in before their arrival. Tomorrow we head to FL to hopefully (cross your fingers) find a house! Keep you updated would love to know every ones guesses out there, we find out Tuesday the 12th!


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