Tuesday, May 31, 2011


        Sorry for the lack of posts lately I have been suffering from the horrible 1st trimester curse x 2. To say this pregnancy so far has been a breeze would be a total lie, it has been anything but. I have never felt so sick, ever. I am hoping that there is a light at the end of the tunnel soon. I have to give a HUGE thanks to my fantastic husband who has been picking up my slack with everything, he is so awesome. We had a great relaxing Memorial day weekend not doing too much. Below are the pics from the weekend mixed with some from our trip to FL that I never posted. I will try to post more often in the days/weeks to come but I am not going to lie it might not happen, chasing after a 1 year old feeling like I do leaves me no spare time to do anything but lay down. Here's to hoping the second trimester brings feelings of normalcy again.

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