Thursday, October 21, 2010

5 months...

     My little big man turned 5 months old yesterday! Lil E is weighing in at a whopping 17 pounds and 11 ounces and growing bigger daily. He is eating pears, peaches, apples and is starting bananas today! He loves being outside and playing with ALL of his toys. He is teething and drools like no other. He is sleeping from about 6:30- 6:30 so we aren't complaining. He has learned to blow bubbles, I guess he had to do something with all that drool . He has recently learned to pet Cricket and it is SO sweet, he has even tugged on a handful of hair which I am sure didn't feel good but Cricket just lays there and is so sweet with Buddy. We are  looking forward to Halloween and he is already starting to wear his cute Halloween apparel. We spent the last week in FL( hence why I haven't blogged in forever) and enjoyed spending time with all of our family. Thank goodness he is SO good on the plane! Anyways happy 5 month little E!

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