Saturday, October 30, 2010

happy halloween!

   My sweet little MONKEY! Although we had a tough decision between a lion and a monkey we finally decided on monkey! One of my many nicknames I call Lil E is monkey so I thought this costume was fitting. For some reason Mississippi decided to do trick or treating tonight so we had to be prepared, buddy was all dressed up for a good hour before it was bath and bed time. He crashed before the 2nd group of trick or treaters even arrived and is now snoozing in his glow in the dark skeleton pjs! Here are some sweet pictures we caught of monkey on his first halloween. The one of him and Cricket is my fav, enjoy! Happy Halloween!!! 

Monday, October 25, 2010

rolling over...

Here is a quick clip of Lil E rolling over, he has done it twice before both times I was not with him and I was so disappointed I missed it. So you can just imagine how excited I was when I saw it for the first time, I ran and got the camera and captured the second time he did it. Please note that I do get VERY excited once he does so you might want to turn your volume down. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010


   Last week we spent some time in Florida with our families, Brian had to be there for work so Lil E and I tagged along and enjoyed lots of good times with everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

5 months...

     My little big man turned 5 months old yesterday! Lil E is weighing in at a whopping 17 pounds and 11 ounces and growing bigger daily. He is eating pears, peaches, apples and is starting bananas today! He loves being outside and playing with ALL of his toys. He is teething and drools like no other. He is sleeping from about 6:30- 6:30 so we aren't complaining. He has learned to blow bubbles, I guess he had to do something with all that drool . He has recently learned to pet Cricket and it is SO sweet, he has even tugged on a handful of hair which I am sure didn't feel good but Cricket just lays there and is so sweet with Buddy. We are  looking forward to Halloween and he is already starting to wear his cute Halloween apparel. We spent the last week in FL( hence why I haven't blogged in forever) and enjoyed spending time with all of our family. Thank goodness he is SO good on the plane! Anyways happy 5 month little E!

Friday, October 8, 2010


 So happy it's Friday!! Here are some pics of the Little Man, if you couldn't tell I am just a little bit obsessed :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Thursday, October 7, 2010


This is too funny not to share...Buddy started peaches the other day and everytime he eats them he makes this funny noise...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

lil e...

Also wearing his hat here I wanted to show you how my little man wants to drink out of a cup so bad. He was sitting in his daddy's lap one day and when daddy went to take a drink Lil E started to reach for it and the rest is history....

just like daddy...

      I had to post these pics because they are too funny. A little background story Brian received this hat for Christmas as a funny gift, it looks like the hat Cousin Eddy wore out of the movie Christmas of our favorite movies around here that we start watching in November :) Any who Brian found a mini one for Lil E that matched his and Buddy loves it!

Monday, October 4, 2010

2 years...

I had to wait to post this because it was part of Brian's gift....

2 years...

Today is our 2 year anniversary...I cannot believe it has been 2 years already yet so much has happened. I am so lucky to have such a great, caring, kind, loving husband who gives us the world. I know I have already posted on how amazing Brian is so I won't repeat myself but I just want him to know if he is reading this how much I appreciate him and LOVE him and how these past two years have been the best ones of my life. Happy Anniversary!