Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring is in the air

Happy Spring to all! Life has been busy but good. We have just gotten over a week of having colds and all the boys had ear infections as well, whoever said ear infections weren't contagious never met my crew! Finally all seem to be on the mend. The pics are a collection from Valentine's Day, a treasure hunt that daddy made for Easton which he loved and just some pics here ant there. Hope everyone is enjoying slightly warmer weather and the new time change (until my kids adjust I will continue to hate it!)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Disney World 2013

 The past two days we made our way down to Orlando for our annual Disney trip. We had so much fun and are so exhausted it's not even funny. Easton had a ball, unlike last year he LOVED meeting all the characters! Unfortunately Asher and Hayden are still a little too small so they got to stay behind with GG and Papa and have the run of the house! Big thanks to them for making it possible for us to take big man!!