Friday, July 27, 2012

I know what you are thinking, 2 posts in a week! I don't know what has gotten into me but I couldn't let these pictures go without being shared! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

summer loving

Summer is hot!! Not much to report other than the twins are now sitting up and Asher is started to get up on his knees for the full crawl! He still continues army crawling everywhere! Hayden is pretty content just being, no real movement yet except for rolling to where he needs to go. Easton is learning new things daily and is such a sweet boy it is insane how much he has grown but is still a little man!! I love being able to spend my days with my little men and am thankful to my wonderful big man for working so I can do so!

Monday, July 9, 2012


       I know what you are thinking, holy moly it's been a long long time. I don't have a good reason for not posting other than life has been BUSY. Summer is in full swing and we have been sick these past couple of weeks! Not sure why we are catching so much crap but we are and it spreads like wild fire thru our house. But I am happy to report we are all on the mend and healthy!
          Easton is so big it is ridiculous he is so good at putting sentences together and learns a new word every day. He is so helpful and such a sweet, sweet little man. Hayden and Asher turned 7 months on the 2nd and it is so hard to believe. They both can hold their bottle which is awesome it's so nice to have my hands back! Asher has learned to army crawl everywhere and as soon as you set him down he is off. I am not sure what I am going to do when I have all 3 going in separate directions! The pics below are just a hodge podge from the last month of different things! Hope everyone is fabulous and as always I will try to post more often.