Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Beach days

       Not much new going on around here, Asher and Hayden turned 6 months on the 2nd!!! Asher is weighing in at 15lbs. 10oz. and Hayden is coming in a little ahead at 15lbs. 15oz.!!! I cannot believe they are already 6months and are eating baby food! It is beyond insane how fast the time goes. Easton is being an awesome 2 year old, constantly surprising us daily. His new thing is he has learned to TT in the potty! So exciting and sad at the same time because he is no longer a baby. A couple of weekends ago we spent Memorial day weekend at the beach! We had a great time with family and friends enjoyed a beautiful beach day Saturday then enjoyed the storm on Sunday! It's funny to see how beach days have changed they are no longer relaxing, lay out all day kind of a beach day but sunscreen applying, umbrella shade laying and being exhausted after chasing a 2 year old around who has NO fear of the water, sheesh! he needs to watch Jaws!!! Here are the pics below!