Sunday, May 20, 2012

2 years

       When I think about this day and how our lives were forever changed 2 years ago my emotions are all over the place. I am sad that my baby is growing so fast, happy that he is learning new things constantly,  proud of the little man he has become so far and I am in awe of how madly in love I am with this kind hearted, sweet, loving 2 year old. He is the sunshine in our world and has made our lives so much richer and more meaningful. He is such a blessing as a son and  truly an amazing big brother. I cannot wait to continue to watch him grow and learn day by day.
          We had a wonderful weekend of celebration. Saturday the day before his actual birthday we had a big party celebrating with all of our wonderful family and friends. Easton had a ball and was showered with love all day! Sunday his actual birthday was a lot more low key we spent it eating pancakes and ice cream cones and playing outside all day just enjoying our family. I will apologize now for all the photos I am going to post because there are a ton. Thanks to all our family and wonderful friends who helped us celebrate Easton! As you will see below our little guy is LOVED! Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet little E!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The other weekend it was Brian's birthday we chose to celebrate at the zoo, it was the boys first trip, Easton loved it Asher and Hayden didn't really know much different but seemed to enjoy being outside! Everyone is growing fast the boys turned 5 months yesterday and Easton turns 2 on the 20!!!! My babies are growing up!!!